Guang Ci Tang®
Top selling Chinese medicine in USA
Pure. Potent. Proven.
I bought this because it mentioned my exact symptoms of stiffness when it's damp or cold. I started with 3 pills and felt the difference immediately. I just went up to 4 and it's even better.
Sweety from D.C.
It really worked for me
I had mild roscea on my right check, no bumps but red and dry spots. I have tried topical products with some success but this product worked within one week, I was shocked... Great product. I am a 60 year old female.
Bobbig from Dallas Texas
Keeping BP within normal range
Have been taking for several months and have been able to maintain a BP within normal range.
Jomi from CA
Pleasantly surprised by the obvious quality
I was pleased to see that after a little over a week, I saw the changes I was looking for both subjectively (a general increase in energy, digestive functions, and others) and objectively, in my pulses and tongue (Chinese diagnostic indicators).
Dr Steve from Boston, MA
Works fast and well!
I rarely get headaches... I woke up one morning with a terrible headache which caused me nausea... I took about 7 tablets and rested for about 20 minutes, after which time I was much better.
Heidi from Orlando, FL
Working well!
I bought these for a patient who had a stubborn case of neuralgia. He was experiencing numbness and tingling in both ankles for a year. After a couple weeks of taking Meridian Clear he began to have less numbness in one ankle.
Licensed Herbalist from Cambridge, MA
Works for me!
I've been taking this supplement for a while now and I hardly ever get night sweats anymore. My hot flashes are also much less frequent. Highly recommend it!
Bettay100 from San Antonio, TX
Really works
I bought this item 1 month ago, I have been using twice a day and it’s working great! I feel my metabolism has pick up, in this month I lost 5 pounds which is amazing since my weight had plateau and was not moving.
Aline from Boca Raton, FL
Awakens vital energies
I have been using this product for the past 2 years. It has revived vital energies and boosted romantic endurance. This is a far better option for men than a rx medication. No negative side effects and started working after one month.
Ronin from Bay Area, CA
Just purchased 5 more bottles
Stomach Vigor really works. I have had gas and bloating for 2 years and tried many products that claimed they could fix the problem but none of them worked, but Stomach Vigor is getting the job done.
Leorebel5 from Oklahoma City
Visibly strengthened bone
On my most recent dental exam, the dentist was surprised and pleased to see that one of my teeth was less loose and the bone looked stronger... I ordered Bone Vigor and used it according to directions for months.
Kck808 from Long Beach, CA
Work well with no side effect
My husband has neck and shoulder tension when he gets stress out. He takes 10 tablets of Corydalis Relaxe and the tension will go away in an hour. However, if the stress is intense or the tension come back later, he would take another 10 tablets.
SarahA from Texas
It works!
I have been using this supplement for two years now and my fibroids are under control. I had 2 in my uterus and one of them shrunk so much that almost disappeared ,my period is back to normal flow and I feel great.
Fiordipelle from Montreal Canada
Works for me!
The Stonepass product from Active Herb works better for my slow drain issue than anything else I've tried. Seems to give relief after only couple days, is very economical.
Spaceman from AZ
Very Effective for PreMenopausal/Estrogenic
In my late 40s now, I've struggled w/ menstrual irregularity for decades, and thought the Bio-Id Progesterone was something I'd have to take indefinitely... WarmMenses has been so effective for me transitioning from the BioIdenticals.
THWatson from Metro Atlanta
A must have
I seriously can't get by without this stuff. Every time I run out, I immediately come down with a cold. Solution? Don't run out!
Salyx from California
Waking up HARD is good!
After using Youngain, I noticed that I was waking up with what many of us men call "morning wood," which is a great thing! This was the proof that Youngain was definitely at work!
Mr T from Los Angeles, CA
Rapid and Significant Results
Prior to taken LiverSmoothe I was taking various over the counter antacids several times a day and even awoke at night due to discomfort to take an antacid. I have not taken any in two weeks now and do not wake up with acid indigestion.
Slpheidi from Ohio
The best formula
I'm 66, and a few years ago I could really feel my heart weakening even that I live a very healthy lifestyle... This formula helps so much calming the heart that I will likely use it the rest of my life.
Mayisha from Fernandina Beach, FL
Great benefits
I bought this for weight control. Haven't seen much change in that area. To my surprise! It has really cleared up skin, regulated my bowels, which has given me energy.
Kajia from Omaha, NE
The great feeling that I looked for
have used this few years ago and was very very happy. I found this product to be very effective and very helpful for my overall mood. So when I felt I needed it again, I went online and was happy to find it again. The prices and the service were great.
Limlim, Los Angeles, CA
Helps to keep calm
My acupuncturist recommend this to help calm my mind and aid in my sleep problems. After figuring out the right dosage I find I works great. It has even helped with the occasional heart palpitations.
Lisawho from Camaraderie
It Works! Hard to believe but true
I have had problems with my balance for many years and it’s gotten increasingly worse. The feeling would be of lightheadedness... I started taking (it) just a short while ago and my balance and my feeling of connection to the earth has returned.
Narayana from Oakland, CA
Stopped my hot flashes!!
This product was honestly a game changer as I’m going through perimenopause... I was having hot flashes all day and night and within two weeks they were completely gone. I also feel emotionally balanced. I cannot recommend this enough.
Krmorgan from St.Paul,MN
A must for every household!
I first took this product hoping it would calm my nerves after I got in a car accident. It really helped and it had no side effects whatsoever. Whenever I am overly stressed or anxious, this product calms me right down. It calms kids down too.
Mom Of Three
Love this product!
I have been using this product for a few years and am very happy with the results. I have an overactive production of nasal mucus. This product helps so much, less mucus, keeps my ears from filling up with liquid.
Marypat from Omaha, NE
Working so far!
I have taken two bottles of Tumoclear so far and my sebaceous cyst on my head has significantly reduced in size. I have ordered 2 more to see how it goes. I'm impressed. I have tried everything for my cyst and to no avail.
Brett from Rocklin, CA
Long term stamina
I was chronically kidney qi deficient from staying up late many nights causing me to be exhausted and dragging. This helps keep me going without the exhaustion.
Unami from Midwest
Works wonders!!!
I literally have to change undergarments several times a day from sweat & moisture... In about 3 days I noticed a dramatic difference. At the end of the first week I no longer had to wear a panty liner. All the Heat and sweat has just gone away.
JJ1984 from Denver, CO
It works
I bought 2 bottles for my 19 year old son who's had bad breath not from his mouth or teeth or tongue. I suspected it's within his stomach digestive system. After taking the pills for 3 days I noticed the difference. No more bad breath.
123456 from Vancouver,WA
What is it?

Guang Ci Tang®(广慈堂) has been a leading US brand of Chinese medicine since the 1990s. Guang Ci Tang® Chinese medicine products are 5X concentrated, more than double the strength of similar products from other leading brands. Guang Ci Tang® Chinese medicine is guaranteed to be the best of its kind in terms of strength, purity, safety, and affordability. Each product has been carefully produced in a cGMP-certified facility and fully tested for safety before it reaches our customers.

Superiority of Guang Ci Tang products starts with their formulations. As anyone who is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine may tell, a right combination of herbs is crucial to the success in practicing Chinese medicine. Often than not, products bearing the same name have different formulations both in terms of the variety of Chinese herbs and the dose of each single herb. Guang Ci Tang has experts who are masters of both Chinese medicine literature and Chinese medicine practices. Many formulas Guang Ci Tang develops have their own uniqueness that may maximize their efficacy.


Chinese herbal formulas play a central role in the theory and practices of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Many formulas were invented one thousand years ago and remain widely used today as an integral part of China's national healthcare system. These classics are truly time-tested for safety and effectiveness. We are proud to inherit these treasures and feel honored to share them with you.

As our society faces many modern health challenges, Chinese medicine is constantly evolving to combat them. Our team of scientists and TCM doctors stay abreast of the newest research and breakthroughs in both TCM and modern biosciences. Then we incorporate that newfound knowledge into the development of our signature formulas that address many contemporary health issues. Guang Ci Tang currently offers over 100 Chinese herbal formulas.


To meet our strict quality standards, Guang Ci Tang® products are manufactured in collaboration with some of the largest and best pharmaceutical companies in China, in state-of-the-art cGMP certified facilities. Only premium quality Chinese herbs are used. The botanical identity of each herb is verified by our expert professional staff based on the accepted standards set forth in the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to ensure authenticity, quality, potency, and safety. Furthermore, many Chinese herbs must be processed in highly specific ways to achieve the desired medicinal properties or to eliminate toxicity. At ActiveHerb, we take care to perform these preparations in accordance with the TCM tradition.

In order to produce Guang Ci Tang® tablets, herbs are first thoroughly cleaned, then mixed together and extracted in water in a steel extraction tank. This process follows the ancient practice of decocting Chinese herbs in a pot, but allows precise control over the extracting temperature and time. The modern extraction process reproduces the traditional method to recover active ingredients, but has been shown to yield a superior degree of potency. Essential oils, which typically evaporate from the herbs during heating, are automatically recovered through the extraction process. After extraction, herb residues are discarded while the extraction liquid is recovered and pumped into a condenser. Here, the remaining water is evaporated, leaving a highly concentrated paste. This paste is turned into tablets or teapills by adding a small amount of dry powdered herbs from the original herbal formula. In this way, we avoid the use of unnecessary binders and ensure the purity of our products.

The state-of-the-art quality control center. Extensive laboratory testing is done here to ensure compliance and quality.

A manufacturing room is seen from the hallway and is equipped with advanced instruments. In order to access the manufacturing rooms, one must change into another sterile coat and shoes before entering.

The entire cGMP facility is a completely clean environment. In order to access to the entry hallway, one must wear a sterile coat and shoes. The manufacturing rooms are located along both sides of the entrance hallway.

5:1 Concentration

The standard PRC Pharmacopoeia procedure for producing concentrated Chinese herbal pills is based on a concentration of 2:1, meaning that 2g of raw herbs will yield 1g of finished pills. These pills weigh about 180mg each. Each dose requires 8 pills, which weighs 1.44g total and is equal to 3g of raw herbs.

Guang Ci Tang® strives to be the most potent and effective Chinese medicine available. We developed proprietary extraction and concentration technology that allows us to make our tablets and pills at a final concentration of 5:1, meaning 1 gram of tablets or pills is equal to 5 grams of raw herbs. As each Guang Ci Tang® tablet or pill weighs 200mg, each pill is equal to 1 gram of raw herbs. This is the highest concentration available for Chinese medicine pills and tablets, and is more than double the concentration of standard pills from other leading brands of Chinese medicine. As a result, patients are able to reduce the number of pills required per dose by half to achieve the same powerful effect.

Tablets vs Pills

Traditionally, Chinese herbal formulas are served in liquid (Tang) after being cooked in water. The pill form (Wan) was developed when the Chinese pharmaceutical industry started to produce traditional Chinese herbal formulas at higher volumes. Pills are now produced by every TCM manufacturer. While Guang Ci Tang® also produces round pills, our flat tablets (Pian) truly exemplify our commitment to excellence and innovation, and set us apart from the rest. Guang Ci Tang® tablets are uniquely made with proprietary technology that requires little use of a binding agent. Tablets made by other Chinese medicine brands frequently include large amounts (up to 50% in some cases) of inert ingredients, such as magnesium stearate, which are mixed with the herbal extract. Guang Ci Tang® tablets are more expensive to make but they have the advantage of being easily absorbed by the body. Moreover, our tablets may also be administered as a tea after being dissolved in water, or may be given as a powder after being crushed.

1 tablet = 1 gram of raw herbs

1 teapill = 1 gram of raw herbs

Quality Assurance

We at ActiveHerb know how hard it is to build a brand and reputation. We take every measure to make sure Guang Ci Tang® Chinese medicine is of the highest quality and purity. Our manufacturers are among the most reputable and technologically advanced suppliers in China today. Our facilities are cGMP-certified for pharmaceutical products, which hold much higher standards than the GMP-certified facilities for dietary supplements commonly seen in the USA. Our proprietary technology results in products with the highest possible extraction ratio, and we never add any pharmaceuticals, dyes or sugar. Little binding agents are added, so you never see the long list of inactive ingredients often found in other herbal products and dietary supplements on the market. Comprehensive tests for heavy metals and microbes are conducted for each batch of finished products by independent laboratories in China and the USA, in accordance with the guidelines established by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. After all, it is our longstanding commitment to quality and safety that has built Guang Ci Tang®’s reputation as a leader in the industry.